Acadia - University & Online Course Next js Template Documentation
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We would like to thank you for choosing Acadia - University & Online Course.
Getting started
Acadia - University & Online Course Next js Template
There are system requirements in order to install and setup Acadia - University & Online Course template and its components properly. Make sure that you are installed node.js and
After purchasing Acadia - University & Online Course template on with your Envato account, go to your
Download page. You can choose to download Acadia - University & Online Course template package which contains the following
The contents of the template package downloaded from ThemeForest
Acadia - An Next js Template file. this file you ca edit and use for your business.
Documentation - This folder contains what you are reading now :)
React Installation
Please follow the instructions in the video to see how you can install react on your hosting:
For local host -
Open you command prompt
npm install or npm install --legacy-peer-deps
npm run dev (will start the dev server at http://loaclhost:3000)
To deploy a Next.js application on Vercel, you can follow these steps: -
Sign up for an account on Vercel if you don't have one already.
Connect your GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket repository where your Next.js application is hosted.
Import your repository on Vercel and select the Next.js project to be deployed.
Make sure that your .env.local file variables are set up correctly. when your import your repository on vercel by creating a project
Vercel will automatically detect your Next.js application and perform the necessary build and deployment steps.
Once the deployment is complete, you'll be able to access your application using the URL provided by Vercel.
Basic Site Settings
Change Site Title, Favicon and Page Title
To change your Site title and Favicon open the Acadia - University & Online Course in your editor and go to the location
by following screenshot which are given bellow.
You can change title hereYou can change favicon here
Change Logo
To change logo and customize other header data do the following:
You can change logo here
Customize Menu
To customize menu do the following:
From the project folder go to src datamenu-data.tsOpen the menu you want to use
Then customize the menu
Customize the menu
Customize Footer
To customize footer data do the following:
From the project folder go to
src componentsfooterfooter-one.tsxOpen the menu you
want to use
Then customize the footer data
Customize the footer
Customize Course Data
To change course data and setting you can change by following this screenshot here.
From the project folder go to src datacourse-data.tsOpen the menu you want to use
Then customize the course data
Customize the Course data
Customize blog Data
To change course data and setting you can change by following this screenshot here.
From the project folder go to src datablog-data.tsOpen the menu you want to use
Then customize the blog data
Customize the blog data
To change 404 and setting you can change by following this screenshot here.
From the project folder go to src appnot-found.tsxOpen the menu you want to use
Then customize the 404 data
Customize the 404
To change color and setting you can change by following this screenshot here.
From the project folder go to public assetsscssutilscolor.scssOpen the menu you want to use
Then customize the color data
Customize the color
To change Typography and setting you can change by following this screenshot here.
From the project folder go to public assetsscssthemetheme.scssOpen the menu you want to use
Then customize the Typography data
Customize the Typography
If you face any issue please contact us at
Support Ticket. We provide
15 hours real-time support for our customers.